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(Golden Hour)

“Time is a great teacher… unfortunately it ultimately calls its students home ”


He often said he loved what he did and did what he loved, and one can never ask for more than that.

When you are shooting a movie or television series on location, a particularly time of day is refered to as the "golden hour." It is the one time of day that the location is bathed in golden light just as the sun goes down. I have been part of film crews who have waited patiently for that precise moment to get the perfect shot.


When it comes you have approximately ten minutes to capture the golden moment and then it is gone. I find myself in that twilight time of my life. That is not a bad thing, just another step in my journey towards that moment when I get to go home.

"Why is every great children's story about a journey? Maybe it's to remind us that in this life we are always on one."

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This final “twilight” chapter contains my ramblings at this age about life and death, hope, despair and meaning. Hopefully it will stimulate some thoughts in you while you still have the blessings of youth.


Papa Wisdom

My grandfather told me something once when I was about 18 years old that resonates with me now. We were standing in his semi-darkened living room after his wife Miriam (my grandmother) had died a year prior. He said… “you won’t understand this now, but you get to a point in your life when the entire world you have been a part of fades away. Some of that is your contemporaries dying as friends and family take their final breath and move on. But there is more to it than that. The world you have felt a part of is hardly recognizable to you anymore.”

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That short interchange took place in the early part of 1967 before he died at the end of that year. The world at that moment, driven by my boomer generation coming of age, was truly being turned upside down. All the rules, social norms and cultural qualities that he had felt comfortable with were being challenged and re-written.


My Now and Future

As I write this, I am feeling a bit like that now. Too many of the individuals that I shared my creative journey with are gone. The cultural circumstances brought on by the Covid Pandemic and the threats to our democracy certainly haven't helped either. I have experienced a profound loneliness since 2021 as a result of not working with creative teams like I have all my life. In addition, as I look out through my Internet browser into the world, it seems less and less like something I belong in anymore.


For me, the world for all its advances in technology has become increasingly noisy and complicated. You can never go back, but these days I long for the times when life seemed simpler. And the question I had spent 2 years answering... "is democracy threatened in America" had been answered by Trump/MAGA's victory. They were now taking complete control of the government and Supreme Court.  I was part of the pro-democracy movement that kept shaking our heads. How could a majority of American voters chosen him even though he was a convicted criminal, sexual abuser, business fraudster etc. You can find more about what the numbers showed us in the December notes for 2024 (The Last Mile)


MAGA's victory for the moment is a big part of why I am feeling that I don't recognize the America that seems to be emerging. Maybe it has always been flawed and in my privileged life I just didn't see the darkness in the American soul. I don't feel helpless to address that question or join the resistance, but my time here to do that is shorter than it has ever been.


Or put another way, the changes necessary to create the world I want to live in, will take much longer than I have in this life to bring to fruition. I suspect that conditions on this planet are going to get a lot worse before they get better after I am gone. That is going to require you to step up to the challenges as they unfold from the impacts of climate change, the wealth gap, the state of democracy, racism and emergent technologies like artificial intelligence impacting everything. I have every reason to believe you will.


The Question that Lingers….

One way you can look at the final chapter of your life is framed by the question… “why am I still here?” As of this moment I have gotten up on 28,000+ days and done something. Isn’t that enough one might ask? Why stay around any longer if my contributions to this extraordinary life which I have been gifted are diminishing at this age? This had certainly been on my mind for the last 3 years since my cancer diagnosis, surgery, remission and the resulting chronic health conditions that are not going to get any better.


My life up to this point has been a magical mystery tour beyond my wildest expectations. Through all the ups and downs, successes and failures, I’ve been lucky enough to create a life I loved centered around my creative work, relationships, and a deep connection to the natural world.


And to the best of my ability in the second half of my life I attempted to give something back to the culture I was born into. As I said at the top of this Exit Interview, my wish as a child was to live a life that was not boring. I think we can say with confidence that it has hardly been the case.


The Art of Letting Go

My experience with transitions in the past usually involved the question… “are you willing to give up everything you are attached to transition to whatever is next?”


Sometimes as past transitions came upon me it was hard for me to let go of an identity or a relationship or a job in order to open up to the next chapter. When a transition was under way the question I learned to ask was...  am I willing to move out of my comfort zone to get to what's next?


Here are some examples from my life. You could say each of them could have happened in another way, but this is the way they unfolded for me. As I look back on all of it, I am amazed at the synchronicity that emerged that influenced what my life became as I metaphorically leaped off some pretty tall cliffs without a parachute. I am not suggesting this course of action is for everybody, but it was the best way I found I could live and experience my life fully.


@ The first one is open to interpretation depending on your spiritual orientation. And to what degree did I choose if I did. Certainly no one would choose a life of a starving child. So, did I at least “choose” to be born San Francisco circa 1947. If so, I entered this life in the SF Bay Area environs as opposed to the other 380,000 babies that were born on my birthday who went somewhere else. There was a real advantage to being born in America after the Second World War. It had none of the WW2 rubble and poverty that plagued most other nations. And of all places in the United States, San Francisco and Berkeley were stimulating landing spots with so many possibilities.


@ I was flunking out in my sophomore year of high school. I just didn’t get how to approach the college preparatory courses I was expected to excel in. Most of it seemed theoretical to me. Simply meant to be mimicked back on some test. What I could not articulate at the time was that I wanted to know WHY I was being asked to do it. This disconnect resulted in me feeling like a square object trying to fit into a round hole.


For whatever reason “fate” stepped in. Berkeley High offered a first of its kind team teaching program in my junior year that was based on a practical engineering approach to problem solving. At first I worried about the social implications of being in this “special” class, but I took a chance and jumped in. At that point I had nothing to lose.


The Pre-Tech approach totally changed my whole perspective on learning. The practical aspect of writing up some proposal for a project I wanted to create and then using math, science and organizational skills to bring it to life made total sense to me. It taught me how to take something lurking in my very active imagination and bring it into the world.


The grades I got in my junior and senior year were just good enough to get me into college, but the real value of taking a risk on the Pre-Tech program was simply doing something differently. It led to a lifetime rule. “If something is not working, change your story about it.” This would influence 50+ years of creative endeavors where I got to live out most of what I could imagine.


@ Even though I did well in my junior and senior years of high school my college possibilities were somewhat limited. San Jose State wanted me to play water polo for them, but I was tired of training in the pool every day. So I headed to Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo. Coming from a big urban upbringing to a quieter rural environment gave me a sheltered space to re-invent myself at that point, although I didn’t know what that meant until I got into it.


When I arrived at Cal Poly I had no idea I would be making my first record three years later with some very talented musicians I would meet on the Central Coast. It hadn’t even occurred to me when I came to Poly that music would be my first professional entertainment career. Now, this may have happened somewhere else as well, but the choice to go to school at Cal Poly led me to the people I was supposed to meet and gave me the opportunity to make it happen. This is how it unfolded.


In my freshman year in college an ex-girlfriend from high school wrote me a letter describing an event she had been to which sounded like some sort of weird tribal dance. I thought she had lost her mind in some drug haze. It turned out the event she was writing me about took place at the Fillmore Auditorium, the birthplace of the 60’s San Francisco psychedelic sound.


I went to see for myself. It was like a religious experience. Whatever this “electric” band/happening thing was, I felt called to do it. Thus began 10 years of making records. Would I have stumbled on to this new music somewhere else. I will never know.


@ As I finished my senior year at Poly I had the expectation I would graduate and then set off to Hollywood to continue my music career. However, I found out late in the term that I would need to take at least two more quarters of classes to have the credits to graduate. I’m sure in all the chaotic excitement of being in a band that was making records etc. I missed the memo somewhere. I did not know what to do. My heart was already headed south as a result of the experience of making my first record the prior year, but what if I needed a BS in sociology as a plan B someday, should I bite the bullet and stay and finish?


It wasn’t much of a deliberation, I headed to LA. You might ask, did I ever regret not finishing my degree later on in my life? Yes, sometimes, but IF I hadn’t headed south into the unknown of Hollywood at that point, I would not have met Jerry Corbetta and JC Philips and written "Green Eyed Lady" a year later. It might have happened another way, but creating GEL was partly a “being in the right place" moment.


@My music career unfolded in LA over the next three years, but with the breakup of my LA band Sweet Pain I made the decision to go back to the Bay Area.

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I was tired of being on the road all the time as much fun as the rock and roll lifestyle was a dream come true at first. So, I literally packed my car and headed north. My mother and my siblings had not moved back to the Bay Area yet.


Because I had enough money to not to have to do anything for a while, I just jumped into new experiences, new friends, new music studios etc. but what really happened is that through a set of unforeseen circumstances I got interested in designing and building inflatable learning environments. Go figure.

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Four more music albums were up ahead as well, but it was the three years I spent designing, fund raising, building and testing the inflatable learning environment idea that I eventually received a US patent on, that was the surprise that showed up because of heading north to the Bay Area after Sweet Pain. The inflatable work in the Mission District also brought something else. I met Jessica Britt, who would become my exceptional lover in that chapter and lifetime friend.

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Equally importantly she would later introduce me to the Esalan Institute and Dick Price. Dick was the therapist I did my first gestalt work on the traumas of my childhood.


How could I have predicted any of that heading north on Route 5 a year earlier.


@ I hate blind dates with a passion, so five years later when a work colleague pushed me to meet a women in Hollywood I resisted. She kept at it though and just to shut her up I promised to meet this woman for coffee. That first encounter with Jane opened up a whole new chapter of my life that would include my first marriage, and finding the inspiration for the next 15 years of my work in Hollywood.

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After I recorded my last album in 1975, I knew I was done with the music and song writing as I had been doing it for 10 years. Once again I headed out. This time on a whim to Colorado on a road trip that resulted in me discovering two places that would play a big part in my life much later on. Boulder, Colorado and the San Luis Valley.


Boulder would be where Jennifer, Matt and I would move many years later and the San Luis Valley became one of my favorite sacred places on the planet.

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When I decided to go home from Colorado, I could have gone back to the Bay Area, but instead I headed to Hollywood on Jane's invitation. The time there exposed me to the film business. It looked like something I might want to try next. It would, but not in the way I thought it would play out in that first blush.


@ In 1976 Jane and I decided to live together in the Bay Area. Jane was an executive at Motown Films, but she was tired of making bad films. However, she had no idea what she would do in San Francisco. Once we put that choice in motion however, something happened that would change Jane’s life and led me to my next entertainment career.


Jane met George Lucas a week after the first Star Wars film came out while we were still in LA. He offered her the best job in film in the Bay Area as his chief of staff, He needed someone to help him organize Lucasfilm which didn’t really exist yet as a real company. This began over 40 years of work for Jane with George and indirectly led to my next big entertainment chapter. Would that have happened if Jane and I had not decided to head to the Bay Area. We will never know.


@ I did spend some time in LA developing movies with some friends for about a year. However, I got bored with the “development” aspect of film development and not actually making anything. I also discovered most film and television “producing” was mostly an organizational job. I wanted to create my own stories.


As all this was peculating I happened to have lunch with Charlie Weber, who was the CEO of Lucasfilm at the time . He asked me if I wanted to do a research project for them looking into the “new” technologies that were emerging in 1980. That included satellite television, cable news, video game machines, and home computers etc. It meant I would fly all over the US and meet with some of the smartest people in the world who were engaged in what was emerging next in technology and entertainment. Again, I stepped into unfamiliar territory.


One of those stops was at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston Mass where I saw the first interactive movie that utilized laserdisc technology. This began 15 years of work for me helping invent the interactive entertainment business at places like Time Warner, Disney and Phillips Media. All of that could have happened another way, but the decision Jane and I made in empty space to move north put that potential into play.


@ At the end of that chapter in 1985, my marriage to Jane ended. I had also met Joyce Mason, who was an old friend of my first love in college… Anita. We fell into love pretty quickly, but she lived in Del Mar just north of San Diego. As things came to a close in Marin, I packed my car again and headed south to live with Joyce and her kids.

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Three things emerged from that choice. One, I discovered triathlons and trained for five years. It was the biggest physical challenge I had ever taken on but I loved it. The other had to do with my work. I could not find another place to create interactive entertainment like we had with the laserdisc arcade games, so I thought I was going back into the film business. That was until Joyce’s brother showed me a game on the new Amiga computer made by a company called Cinemaware.


It was a game based on the Robin Hood movies called “Defender of the Crown.” As crude as it was the concept of creating games of the movies we loved really appealed to me. I went to work for them and first created the hit game series “It Came From the Desert.”

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That led me to running interactive entertainment groups at the major movie studios...


All that from one decision to head south to Del Mar. I also got my first experience as a stepfather.

@  Cut to ten years later, Joyce and I decide to separate. I was riding high in my career but acting out with the women in my life in ways that were unhealthy. I thought at that point I would just focus on running the division at Disney, but out of nowhere I had a mental break of sorts and a spent a lot of the next year and a half in some very intense personal therapy.  All this resulted in some past karma being burned away and prepared me to meet the Dali Lama and Jennifer Walton.


Sometimes, you have to go down the rabbit hole to see where it goes. This particular one was incredibly painful, but necessary for me at that point.


@ By the time I got done creating my last interactive movie, “Of Light and Darkness -The Prophecy” I was tired of the grind. I had been creating interactive entertainment and games for 15 years. I had lived out all my fantasies of what it would be like to run a division for a major studio like Disney or Time Warner. Something else was also in the air. I don’t know if it was me turning 50 or what, but I could not continue to turn away from what was going on the world. As I looked out from my little, privileged Hollywood bubble, the world seemed to be challenged. I reasoned it needed a new... story.


At the same time, the Internet also arrived and that meant I could work from anywhere… but on what was not clear. Jennifer and I decided to move to Whidbey Island just north of Seattle. I had done a bunch of work for Microsoft and Nintendo while at Time Warner, so living on an island off the Seattle coast did not seem unreasonable.  After we arrived on the island we discovered the Whidbey Institute.

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It was sort of like the Esalan Institute, but more focused on the environment and cultural challenges. I sat for the better part of a year and listened to bestselling authors talk about their views of the future. I also collaborated with some very talented photographers on my first Internet project. They were doing remote viewing of “live” eco-expeditions that were taking place in environmentally threatened areas around the globe. They were uploading the moving images they were capturing through an early satellite network. School kids loved having this “live” view of places and creatures they had never seen. This laid the groundwork for building similar web properties later that would include Google Ocean. It was just the education I needed at that moment and set the tone for the next 20 years of work trying to give something back to the world that had been so generous to me.


@ What we didn’t count on when we moved to Whidbey as Net pioneers was the first Internet bubble crashing. We had our own money invested in our web properties so it hurt us. A few of the big companies I was also consulting for went out of business leaving me without income. A transition had started again.


@ I headed south in a big RV we had bought with my cat Zephyr.


The crash was hard on my relationship with Jennifer. We took a break from each other as she headed to Tucson AZ to help get a wellness spa open. I went to San Francisco and ended up doing some storycatching work for an old friend. While there, he went to a conference and met a young filmmaker that had this crazy idea about "guerrilla philanthropy." What he was imagining was a reality TV show with a heart that would help people in need that he and his street shaman partner picked randomly on the street. Even though I liked the concept and could imagine the web part of the transmedia play, I never thought we would sell it to a cable TV network. But we did and that launched Random 1 and the follow up documentary about what happened to us on Random 1… Lost in Woonsocket.


Something else happened on that show that would also foreshadow something I would get into when I got home to Boulder. I will talk about that in a minute.


@  I spent part of my RV “digital nomad” period in the Southwest. I loved Santa Fe and the surrounding canyons. While there I met a woman who was running eco raft trips on rivers deep into the Colorado Plateau. On one of those trips we found a small, ancient Native American village built into the canyon wall. The river was the only way to get to it. I had seen pictures of these kind of cliff dwellings before and had visited some of the national parks, but this one had a profound effect on me.


Humans had inhabited the Colorado Plateau for thousands of years. Life there was always challenged as the needs of three cultures, Native, Spanish and White European competed with each other. I got a grant to “storycatch” the principle players. I thought I might develop a narrative that would help bridge the gaps between them. That project led me deep into the Navajo and Hopi reservations. Sitting around their hogan fires, I was transported back thousands of years. The experience completed my “medicine wheel” training that had begun in the 1970's. (Chapter 5 - Into the Redwoods)


@ When I finished the Colorado Plateau project I ended up back in Boulder where Jennifer, Matt and I re-united. I only had one clue of what was next. I had promised myself to look up a priest named Father Thomas Keating when I got off the television show. Father Thomas was the leader of a revival of ancient contemplative Christian practice. Something I had known nothing about until it came up in one of the stories we were shooting for Random 1. He was the abbot at a monastery four hours from Boulder.


I was hoping he could help me sort out the mysterious “light” experiences I was having while meditating during the shooting of Random 1. I knew it had something to do with Christ Consciousness, but that was all.


So I thought I was headed towards Father Keating, but first I attended a media salon in Boulder that was being held at a local gathering place for tech entrepreneurs. I usually hated those things, but I thought I might meet some local media people. I did end up meeting someone, but he was not in media. He was a lawyer who worked for bestselling author, Ken Wilber at the Integral Institute.


In addition to my “spiritual” experience I had while producing Random 1, I also had a burning question at that point about why all the "make the world a better place" projects I had done in the last five years had only reached an audience who already agreed with us. It felt like we were preaching to the choir. We were not getting to the audiences we needed to convert.


It turned out Ken Wilber was looking for a producer type like me to run his media company. He also had some interesting answers to my questions about the different audiences I was wondering about. I thought I would stick around for a few months and learn what he had to offer, but I ended up staying over 10 years. This changed my life again. All that from one chance meeting at a gathering I almost didn't go to.

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So, as I write this I find myself at the edge of the cliff again. The 17 year chapter in Boulder came to an end in the fall of 2023 as I felt drawn west to be nearer my siblings and their families. Where this next leap would take me is anyone’s guess.


So it Begins

This latest transition began at the end of 2018 as I stopped running Integral Life to go back into independent production. At the point, I had a good idea of what I wanted to do with Story Studio and there seemed to be financial support from those that found it valuable.


I wanted to make a contribution to America strengthening its democracy through the stories we were telling and I also had a personal web course I wanted to teach called… Your Secret Stories.” The Secret Stories material had emerged out of the narrative analysis work I was involved in doing the democracy project.


I also wanted to continue to chronicle the stories we were telling about the now and future. Hopefully to contribute something to an alternative future narrative that would counter the dystopian one we kept telling in our films, television, games and social media. You know, the one we are  living into in this moment.


Very quickly my view at the end of 2018 of what was ahead changed. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. In 2019 I had two major surgeries and as of August of that year became a cancer survivor. This was totally unexpected. I had just completed my medical tests in 2018 and everything seemed fine. In the follow up to the surgeries it appeared we had gotten all the cancer cells before they spread to other parts of my body, but the death of my mother in 2017 and now this challenge brought me right up against… my own death for the first time. Mine seemed like it could come anytime now. Best case was what? Another ten years. That was new.


With all that was happening, the question loomed again… why am I still here?  This inquiry was partially as a result of me attempting to come into relationship with my own death. I had always said that IF I was not making a contribution anymore, it would be time to go. I just didn’t see the point of taking up space or as my mother had said… “becoming a burden to others.” I was happy to engage if there was some purpose to it, but if not..???


Evolutionary Faith

In ones’ inquiry into death it’s hard not to include the question…  “what is spirit up to?” At this point I wanted to understand more about the experiences I was having at this age that seemed to be engaged with something larger than myself. Beyond my material existence. You might ask… why care? I had been through lots of changes in this life, but somewhere not to far ahead there would be a transition from this life to whatever was next. In that sense, I was curious about my potential place in that larger field  of existence.


In my life to that point I had walked three spiritual paths. Very different from each other, but each making a contribution to what I was discovering now.


I had first found some experience of God in nature. Like my mother, the patterns that “lived” in the natural world of which I was a part were too beautiful and emergent to be happening randomly.


This path for me came to be represented by walking the Native American “medicine wheel” below, – AND the power of Shamanism Animal Totems – and tracker training.

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Also, working with Shamanic Animal Totems...


Number two: In the eighties I learned from a number of different teachers how to engage with the state of emptiness through meditation. This was very different that aligning myself with the forces of nature. In the nineties, I added Taoist microscopic orbit energy work and martial arts codas of air, earth, fire and water to this journey.

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Number three: In the 2000’s I re-discovered Celtic Christian practice which involved walking the labyrinth – evoking the wisdom way – and engaging with the Enneagram.

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For the longest time I thought I had to choose between the three of them. However, when I met Ken Wilber he introduced me to the concept of the “Three Faces of God.” He suggested I didn't have to choose if I related to the three paths as...

I, We and It.


For ME...


I = The individual inner work of Eastern Emptiness Training

We = The relatedness of Celtic Christian Practice

IT- The natural world evoked through native Medicine Wheel practice


Each method of engaging with spirit had its own qualities. I began using whatever practice of the three seemed appropriate on any given day.


Beyond the Three Faces of God

In 2020 I also began having some new types of spiritual experiences that were different from any of the three I mentioned already. In a sense this new experience felt like a larger field that the three other practices were included in.


What emerged for me was discovering the concept of the evolution of expanding intelligence that was being suggested in the new quantum field discoveries and the contemplative spirit world. This teaching included the thought that intelligence was evolving outward from the original “Big Bang” ignition point into more complex and intelligent forms… not backwards or constricting to some perfect Eden. And I, in this life, was a part of that expansion.


For me this evolutionary faith seemed like a much more positive story than the traditional one that somehow we had “fallen” from a perfect state into this world in sin.  A story that is still very prominent in the traditional religions of the world.


The quantum realm piece of the evolution of expanding intelligence story suggested to me that my life and the Kosmos unfolded in a field of many possibilities, all expanding outward, not collapsing back to some perfect form.


Philosopher Peter Sloterdijk described it as a field of “foam” with “bubbles” of possibilities. If you have ever watched a bubble as it moves in a field of foam or is moved by other tidal forces, you know the outcome of its movement is totally unpredictable.  What actually happened to me as a single bubble in this larger field was determined by a complex set of factors. My one bubble could combine and re-combine into a staggering number of iterations, each with its own outcome, including disappearing all together.

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I read some books that influenced me about this "evolutionary faith."


The main one was…

 Evolutionary Faith: Rediscovering God in Our Great Story

by Diarmuid O'Murchu


This view positioned me in this life, as one small participant in the dance of expanding intelligence and the collective complexity of 8+ billion humans on this planet. In this view, death is seen as simply a transition to another form of energy, but it also suggested that “my” evolution continued through many lifetimes and alternative realms regardless of how my death in this life took place. That could also include other planets in the Kosmos, not just Earth.


This view also suggested the traditional “churched” Christian notion of being judged for your actions in this lifetime was far too limited a way to think about what happens at the end of this life. My experience, and many of those I read on the subject, did suggest a kind of “life review” at the end that covered the events of the particular life that was ending, but only as a healing (clearing) process before the soul moved on to other existences. I had experienced a version of this process during my psychological break in the mid-nineties, where I re-visited moments in my life where I had caused others to suffer. It was all the retribution I needed. I wasn't suicidal at that point but I certainly understand the depth of the pain that might point you that way.


Other writers that influenced me concerning this evolutionary faith were: Thomas McLaine, Barbara Brown Taylor (The Luminous Web), Paul Davies and Ilia Delio. (The Hours of the Universe)

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What I seemed to be discovering was this. Some of what happened to me in this life had to do with my choices but some had to do with everyone else’s plus the evolving conditions of natural world around me which had its own trajectory.


Once a choice(s) was made (the sum of mine or someone else’s) my field of possibilities updated based on that choice. Our life in this view is a series of these choices strung along a time line. We never can know the outcome of the choices we did NOT make, only those that we turned towards.


In this view, my experience was not because of “random” unrelated events or “chemicals mixing by accident” or “directed by a higher power” but rather something closer to what I had attempted to tap into all my life. A flow of creative energy that ran through me that could manifest in many different ways depending on how it got activated. And the two forces always present in this field of creativity were the destruction of what already existed and the creation of what would take its place.


So, the last mission that was emerging for me was simply to recognize that I contributed something to this expanding of the field on this planet and could also add something novel to the creative force that was pushing everything towards more complexity. I know, so seemingly lofty, but it really felt quite simple as I was now experiencing it.


Folks that engaged with this path also pointed to the possibility of a yet to be discovered law of creative force pushing matter and energy towards greater complexity. This discovery would rival what we thought we knew about the universe because of the second law of thermodynamics. That law stated that all things decompose over time. That all energy and matter decreases in its complexity AS the universe is on its way to collapse. The evolutionary faith story suggested the opposite. The new evidence, including the latest quantum research, illuminated a universe that was rapidly expanding… out from a single big bang ignition point possibly in ten dimensions. How's that for complexity...


This expansion process did include a destructive force that caused the reduction of some forms of matter and energy, but that lessening was never to nothing. The reduction of that existing form merely cleared the way for the next new form. The violent implosions of whole star systems that we were witnessing through our Hubble and James Webb space telescopes did not result in less star systems, but MORE as the birth of new star systems emerged from the remnants of the old.


When I looked at creation on this Kosmic scale I realized that the odds that life evolved on this planet at all, were almost non-existent. Yet, within that narrow improbable window, something did evolve and we humans represent its latest project, although for how much longer is up to us.


Personal Spiritual Experiences

Since I began this twilight tome, I have mentioned my curiosity at this age is being triggered by personal “spiritual” experiences I am having. There have been three since 2007, each related it seems to one of the three spiritual approaches I was familiar with  before I plunged myself into the larger field of quantum evolutionary faith.



Embrace of Unconditional love – Boulder 2009 – I had come home from producing the Random 1 show and the LIW documentary film and was two years into working at Integral Life. Some of my early efforts at IL were staging large spiritual conferences called "Integral Spiritual Experiences." These were gatherings of the Integral community facilitated by the many spiritual teachers in diverse traditions that were attracted to Ken Wilber’s work. As a result my morning meditations at that time were mostly in the Eastern emptiness tradition. In the middle of one of these however a bright, warm light suddenly appeared. I felt completely bathed in unconditional love. It was just a moment, but it took my breath away. This feeling resonated for six months.

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Field of Christ Consciousness – Woonsocket, Rhode Island 2007 - We were back in Woonsocket, Rhode Island where the Random 1 story all began. We had arranged with our friends at Mobile Loaves and Fishes to deploy one of their food and clothing trucks for the homeless in Woonsocket. Our gift for the towns help.


A big crowd gathered as the truck pulled into the town square. Suddenly, for me, it all went into slow motion. I was immersed in the field of love that surrounded this act of kindness. It brought me to tears much to the surprise of those standing around me. I later associated this event as being the energy of Christ Consciousness. It was a big, breath taking field of connectedness.

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Kosmic Connection Between Heaven/Earth/Me – 2010 - Wonderland Lake, Boulder Co – I awoke early one morning and had the strongest feeling I needed to move. I pulled on some clothes and headed out to Wonderland lake. There was a trail on the back side of the lake that led up a steep hill to a noll that overlooked the waters. I was literally floating towards it in whatever energy wave this was. I literally flew up this steep trail that normally took some doing and seated myself at the top of the knoll looking out on the lake. It was like I couldn’t get seated fast enough. I had this initial thought to take off all my clothes, but there were other people around and I thought I might scare them.


As I got seated, a beam of white light came down from the sky into the energy chakra on top of my head. It went through my entire body (the other chakra centers) and then to the ground. It was like heaven to me to earth. I just vibrated in that white light for awhile. This continued for some time until the beam faded. I made my way back down the trail feeling like I was floating off the ground. It was a feeling of pure joy. If something was downloading in that white beam I was unaware of it in that moment, but I was not the same the next day or any day after that. One of those.


Other's Experience?

One of the things I liked to do as I got older was read the biographies of men and women that had made considerable contributions to the world in which they lived. I also interviewed quite a few world thought leaders that told me their stories of what had mattered to them as their lives unfolded.


I was as curious about their failures as much as their obvious successes. One pattern I noticed was… In spite of all they had accomplished, at the end of their lives many of them felt irrelevant and that whatever they had contributed really had changed nothing.  Some, died early and were spared this final lament, but many lingered on way past them feeling of use to anyone.


As I stated at the beginning of this Twilight chronicle, I was lucky enough to be called to something I loved to do relatively early in my life in the form of my music and storytelling. This work in its many forms gave me one good reason to get up in the morning all those years.


I was mostly drawn to the adventure of creating something novel from nothing. Music, inflatables, television series, games, documentary films, convergence media projects etc. all were forms of that body of work. Through them I hoped to make some contribution to the world becoming a better place. Not only from the impact of the stories this work offered the world, but from the process of making the art with some very talented co-conspirators.


So, all good up to this point. The choices that I have made are mine and mine alone, whatever transpires from here. It has definitely seemed like a road less traveled at times, but also wildly expansive other times beyond anything I could have dreamed.


Whatever my choices portend for the future, the real question remains… given all that … "why am I still here?" To create another project, to be part of a team attempting to create something needed by the world, to explore my own personal development in an effort to become my better angel, to offer something unique to the people I love? What?


All noble pursuits, but IF now I am diminishing in influence, what is the point of me continuing to conjure up these kinds of projects? Am I just supposed to take up space until my body gives out. That was not a course I intended to follow.


This suggested to me that any thought I had about ending my life before my biological clock ran out (like my Mother had) was just that. A transition at that point to the next existence without judgement.


I had often wondered if the Catholic Church’s negative doctrine about “suicide” was just one more method they employed to keep their flock under their control, no matter how much they were suffering. If anyone could leave anytime without judgement, what kind of hold on them could a traditional church have? Some Tibetan Buddhist teachers feel the good or the bad of taking ones life has to do with your intentions. If you are ending your life out of fear or to lessen your suffering, probably not a good idea. However, if you are making some sacrifice on behalf of your family, friends and the world then it can have a positive orientation.


I thought I would share with you some thoughts that I have come across that might help illuminate your answer to this question of your existence when you get to the age I am now.


A Meaningful Death

My interviews with world thought leaders pointed me towards a strong narrative theme that had to do with having a “meaningful death.” This story tracked across a variety of cultures, east and west and many historical eras. It generally speaks to the desire for an individual’s death to have some meaning to them or recognized by the larger world.


For example, we see this theme in the classic hero’s journey. The crusader sets off to bring something of value back to his/her community. Many times that can mean that the hero sacrifices themselves for others. In that final act, we say that individual’s death meant something.


We also see this narrative in accounts of war, where a solder sacrifices his or her life so that their comrades can live. Jumping on a live grenade or holding off the enemy so that the others can get away are just two examples of this kind of sacrifice that we celebrate.


There was also this. Many indigenous cultures during the tribal era of human development believed that when an individual could no longer contribute to their communities well being, they were encouraged to wander off and die. The thought associated with this act usually had to do with not consuming resources that others needed who were still making a contribution. This act was seen as a meaningful “sacrifice” so that the community could continue beyond the life of any one individual. There was something that appealed to me about this concept.


There is yet another type of death that many individuals in the world experience every day that we don't talk about much. Dying alone. When I came home to Boulder after Lost in Woonsocket was completed, I met an extraordinary woman artist in Boulder that had created a beautiful shrine in her home where she performed a daily ritual to honor the 150,000 plus individuals that die each day in the world. Her focus was on “remembering” those that died alone as they passed on to whatever was next.


The ritual was one of “deep grief" and celebration of the lives of the nameless individuals that had passed on that day without anyone noticing. The artist herself was suffering from a degenerative disease and it was her last wish, that the shrine and the ritual live on in a public place after her death. I tried with many others to help her to make that happen, but in the end there were no takers. She eventually chose to die I suspect with a broken heart.


In spite of her feeling of “failure” her passion and creativity lived on in all of us that had engaged with her. In other words, she made a contribution to me even though she felt she hadn’t. We can never know what impact we have on other people. Often times when someone has said to me that I made some small difference in their lives, it came as a total surprise.


Burning the Boats Behind You

Here’s a story that demonstrates a type of leap of faith. When the Europeans were first “discovering” the New World they were faced with a alien landscape which contained few recognizable landmarks.  A few of the Spanish conquistadors recognizing their men were hesitant about moving into this new land, burned their ships behind them. Their men had no choice but to push forward.

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This story has been a strong orientating narrative for me. Sometimes, it has been easier for me to stay in a life, even though it no longer served me than launching into something new. Yet, each time I have left a “life chapter” behind, the new circumstances have always turned out to offer something new, novel and interesting. Sometimes it took a while for this to happen, but as I look back on those transitions, it seemed they always led me to the next circumstances I was supposed to engage with.


Such a leap of faith is not without its own kind of pain. At first, it seems the new patterns will never stabilize. I always had to fight the instinct to retreat into old patterns, whether they involved work or relationships. After many of these of transitions however, I now know more about the powerful energies that come up during these leaps of faith and hopefully I manage them better. However, this last chapter that will end with my transition from this life into other realms is a BIG one. The biggest according to those who have studied it, so here I am.


The March of Cultural Evolution

I’ve been talking so far about things that are personal to me, but as I said earlier the culture around us is also evolving. Integral Theory holds that we move forward as a culture through stages of development similar to the way we do as individuals. Ken’s map claims that we have done this 5 five times in the 50,000 years since we became reflective about our circumstances and shared them with each other through language. These stages have names like tribal, traditional empire, modern industrial, information age and digital global network and???

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Integral Theory also claims that we are in the middle of yet another transition as postmodern is failing to meet the challenges of the moment. I am also aware of the increasing speed at which this is happening.


We wandered around in small tribes for around 40,000 years. Just 5 thousand years ago we began to gather in larger agricultural empires, 300 hundred years ago we transitioned to industrial societies, and just 50 years ago we birthed the information age and recognized we all are connected in one global digital village.  If this is right, in my lifetime, I have been part of two such stage emergence's, postmodern and this current one. Unprecedented in the history of humans.


Although this concept of stage development can be somewhat simplistic I have found the qualities described for each of these stages in Ken's maps are accurate enough to support the concept that the evolution of intelligence is expanding outward into more complex and capable forms. In a sense you can think of this process as ripples on a pond moving away from the initial ignition point in ever expanding circles. Even though we can regress for a time, the course of human development (and the Kosmos) always seems to be expanding out into more complexity. (i.e. gas to particles, particles to atoms, atoms to cells, cells to multi-celled organisms etc.)


Integral Theory also claims that when a new stage emerges it “includes” all the positive traits of the prior stages. At the moment there are three stages of development in 2023 America (traditional, modern and postmodern) that are vying for dominance. Hence, the current culture wars.


For any number of reasons, it seems to me that we humans have reached a key milestone in our developmental trajectory. We will either figure out a way to create a more sustainable world for everyone or we will continue to slip into the dystopian stories we tell in our movies, television series, video games and social media. That world of "winners and losers" has served to help some reach unbelievable heights but my belief is that IF we keep ignoring those with less, ultimately all we have created in our self congratulating glory will collapse.


For the first time in our development, we humans have the choice to come into alignment with the natural systems we depend on or destroy them. If we do the later it does not necessarily mean that life on Earth will not go on. It simply means that we, as one life form, will not continue as we currently are.

Is Something Out There?

In our search for life beyond this planet there is also another question that is asked. It speculates that IF there are millions of planets out there that can sustain life as we understand it, it stands to reason that intelligent life has evolved in other places besides earth. One response to this query is called the “Fermi Paradox”. The theory of the case it offers suggests one answer as to why we have  not made contact with intelligent life off this planet. (This assumes we haven't - Lots of stories there)


The Fermi Paradox points to technological advanced civilizations invariably destroy themselves just before or shortly after developing spaceflight technology. The physicist Sebastian Von Hoerner states that the progress of science and technology on Earth are driven by two factors—the struggle for domination and the desire for an easier life. How much of that is tied up in the continuing dominance on earth of the patriarchal archetype that sees all things he does not understand as threats.


The former potentially leads to complete destruction, while the latter may lead to biological or mental degeneration. The possible means of our annihilation via major global events actually makes humanity more vulnerable than resilient given our new discovery of our inter-connectedness. This can take many forms, including war, accidental environmental contamination, the development of biotechnology that spins out of control, resource depletion, climate change, or poorly designed and deployed artificial intelligence. We humans explore this general theme of our apocalypse in both works of fiction and in scientific development. AI is featured both in sci-fi fiction and real life.  We may have reached the end of what we humans are capable of given our continuing violence towards each other and the planet.  My guess is that the other species on the planet see us as "mad" monkeys.


Our science currently warns us that we are approaching a point in our development that is similar in magnitude to other  “great” extinction events that took place a hundred and fifty million years ago. That one resulted from violent volcanic eruptions in the Arctic. The gases released in those eruptions traveled around the planet during the next 60,000 years and eliminated 90% of the existing species. This “die off” resulted in the beginning of the age of dinosaurs that continued for another 174 million years until a comet fragment impacted the Earth in the Gulf of Mexico, ending the dinosaurs dominance and heralding the age of mammals, including us.

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This time around we humans may be the volcanoes. The heat and the toxic gases we are releasing into the atmosphere are causing unprecedented warming that is getting close to creating the conditions of the great die off Earth experienced so many millions of years ago. If it comes, it will come suddenly (in geologic time) and impact the entire planet. If that happens, what will come after us?


New Intelligence

Coincidentally, we are developing what I think we incorrectly refer to as “artificial intelligence.” There is nothing artificial about it. We are inventing it as we have with many new tool sets over the centuries.  I prefer alternative or enhanced intelligence to artificial. Some suggest that humans in our current form are now merely a transition species to this next stage of a “blended” humanity with machine learning.

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Theoretically, these machine “intelligences” would not be burdened with our mad monkey DNA psychosis emanating from our primal "lizard brains." If the planet did undergo changes like the last great die off, AI algorithms could potentially predict these events and protect themselves. This could include migrating to space stations above the earth or colonies on the moon or Mars or burrowing into sanctuaries deep underground. Like the small mammals that survived in their subterranean tunnels when the comet ended the dinosaurs, this AI would eventually emerge with the institutional memory of humans and carry on with some version of what we learned over 50,000 years. It’s just one possibility.


How Change Happens

When you consider that we may be approaching a fail safe point as a species, you can look at the potential timeline of that change and see two different patterns. One is incremental. Change that happens slowly over time in small bites. Sometimes this incremental change is hard to pick up as it is happening. The classic story that illustrates this incremental pattern is the frog in the pot of water. The water around the frog in the pot is incrementally heated so the frog does not notice the change until it reaches a boiling point and kills the frog.


WE also see periods where change happens very quickly, suddenly, often violently. We call these periods “punctuated equilibrium” where change spikes in intensity and brings forth completely new conditions in a short period of time. The Mayans had a phrase for this type of change… “the end of life as we know it.” The more I live into the moment we are in currently, it feels to me that we will need such a spike to really transition to something more generative.


IF we do experience a sudden change like that, I suspect we will not include past stages of human development this time. They will be left behind as a new cutting edge proto-human emerges. Perhaps we will become a new creature like Homo Sapiens were to Neanderthals or we will make way for something entirely different, perhaps enlivened by new types of machine intelligence. Either way, "humanity" could eventually be unrecognizable when compared to what we are now, but the original seed of what we created could still be in there somewhere. After all humans have 2% Neanderthal DNA.


Speaking of Change

When I have reflected on how change happens, one of the narratives that comes closest to my experience is “co-creation.” This story on the face of it points to our co-creating our existence within a larger field of “spirit" or creative energy.


Star Wars called it “the force,” others call it the “divine light,” but whatever you call it is not some anthropomorphic vision of God the father or anything that would approximate human form. Its presence in my experience is indescribable in human language. It is more of an experience you have than anything else.


Thoughts on the Future - More on the Role of AI Development

When we consider the two biggest changes that are currently underway on this planet they are…


  • The development of artificial intelligence in all its forms and..

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  • Humans developing the capacity for getting off the planet.

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There is a third factor IF it happens. Some disclosure that we humans are not alone in the Kosmos. Our current hyperbole about UFO’s and secret alien programs the "government" is running are some of the ways we sort this possibility out. But if “contact” did take place it would change everything about what it means to be a human on Earth.


As I have said elsewhere in this Evolution of Expanding Intelligence tome, artificial intelligence is a game charger for humans on the level of the discovery of fire, the printed word and the establishment of global communication systems.


AI at its very least, can simulate possible scenarios much faster we can. It fails much faster than we do, which can lead it to a "solution" in a much shorter period of time that does not seem apparent to us. Think about that. What if we gave our AI applications the benefits of our latest wisdom, but not our evolutionary mad monkey baggage. Let them carry out the "best" of us and what we have learned without burdening them with our 50,000 years of primitive DNA. Give them the challenges we could not solve and let them have at it. Would that really be all that bad? Perhaps that is how the "experience" of us as homo sapiens will successfully “migrate” off this planet. As part of a new breed of proto-humans, with a memory bank blended with machine learning that does not have our current destructive tendencies as our first move.


Beautiful Places

It can be said that the world we humans inhabit and create is a chaotic, violent mess. It just seems we can’t leave our primeval selves behind. Just the amount of money and energy we continue to spend on creating new ways to kill each other is staggering.


That doesn’t mean there aren’t many other things to enjoy about this life. There are. The one constant I have found through all the ups and downs is the beauty and miracle of nature. I have been lucky enough all my life to live in beautiful places. I learned that the beauty of the natural world was always there whether I was happy or sad, rich or broke, depressed or elated. All I had to do was walk out into it and take in all that was unfolding. It was always a welcome relief that brought pleasure to my day and night.


 Here are some of my greatest hits of beautiful places I have lived or journeyed into...

San Francisco/Bay Area, Troop 4 Camp at Spicer’s reservoir, California camp grounds, Lake Tahoe,  Avila Beach, The Big Sur coast, and the Anza-Borrego Desert. Marin County/Mount Tamalpais, The Marin Headlands,  Maui, Greek Islands, Egyptian Deserts, Glastonbury, Stonehenge, the Black Hills, the beaches at Del Mar, the Canadian Rockies, the Eastern Sierras, Laguna Beach, Yosemite High Country,  the Southwest, San Luis Valley, Santa Fe, Whidbey Island, Boulder - The Rocky Mountains – Gold Lake – Caribou Wilderness... just to name a few...

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My Favorite Stories

One of the other pleasures of this life that I have enjoyed is listening, watching or other wise engaging with stories that other artists created in songs, films, television, books and plays. At their best they inspired me to live, love and create to the best of my abilities. I have been lucky enough to have what I could imagine in stories provide me with a living/life that I could engage in full time. For me, there was no better way to move through the world.

This list of songs, films, television series, and books  contains the ones that deeply moved me or offered something novel at a particular point in time. There were lots of other artists creations I appreciated for their craft or exploration, but this list contains the stories that influenced me in so many ways or simply brought me joy and comfort at any particular moment.

In this moment in California... Some Parting Thoughts

I moved to California in November 2023 to be closer to Jane and Bruce and their families AND to change my story about what the meaning of my final chapter could be. I had left all that I was familiar with in Colorado (17 years of work and life) as I once again stepped off the cliff to what might be next.


I've had a lot of alone time since making the move which was helpful for me just collecting myself after the chaotic life events of the last 2 years in Colorado. In some ways, the community I had facilitated in Boulder never came back after the 3+ years of the Covid lock down.  And Jennifer still had not made her choice about what she was going to do or not do with Matthew. I spent the better part of 25 years trying to help Matthew find himself during and after all his addiction years, but I always thought Jennifer I and I would have a chance to find out who we were as a couple after Matt moved off into the world. He didn't when we downsized and I needed some space to consider other options while Jennifer considered how she is going to proceed.

As I look back now at the journey with all its twists and turns that have brought me here, I see lots of chapters of different kinds of storytelling work and meaningful personal relationships. The road has wound through some amazing places and people but one of the outcomes of the more nomad quality of my life is that the communities I loved at each stop are not around anymore. Too many collaborators and friends have passed on to whatever next and many more have a variety of debilitating health problems or have just gotten tired. It is more the norm in this elder hood existence than not. So, as I take stock, it is very quiet. Sometimes too quiet. As I said earlier I am experiencing a profound feeling of loneliness that is not so uncommon in the individuals I have interviewed over the last five years as their journeys come to a conclusion. But one good thing about having it quiet, is that you naturally turn inward and discover the nature of whatever is churning.

In the course of my life I had my astrological chart done many times. Usually because the women I was with wanted to know what they were in for. To be clear I am not an avid devote of astrology as some are. A significant number of people I interviewed literally planned their lives based on their alignment at birth and on any particular day according to their "charts." Instead I found the astrological patterns laid out in my chart as just another source of knowing.


It is common for us humans to look for trusted sources of information that we can rely on to make judgements of what to do in the now moment. The two most common ways of attempting to make meaning of life as it unfolds are looking at the data, i.e. the numbers, those objective measures that tell us what is more or less. The other method is to look at the subjective stories we tell about the objective data. These stories are what give the data meaning to us and account for the fact that two people can look at the same data and tell two completely different stories about it. Often times these subjective stories are embedded deep in our psyches and have to be dug out if we grow tired of the way they influence our behaviors.


Everyday we make up some story through which we manage the variety of inputs that come at us. Without such a story, we would be afraid to leave the house in the morning. Our original primate brains still lurk in the background with their insistence  to know whether something is good for us or could be potentially threatening. At its most basic expression this is the fight or flight instinct that has allowed us to survive as sapiens on this planet. 


However, as I see it now... it is also the source of why we still have so much conflict in the world. We still seem driven by our fears of something or someone who is not like us. In the many movies that chronicle the story of aliens contacting humans, the first thing the humans usually try to do first is to destroy them. Perhaps this is because we, as a species, do not have a good track record when encountering other humans on this planet with less sophisticated technology. The colonizing of America in the 1700 and 1800's is one example. In a sense, we tend to shoot first and ask questions later. Or one of our favorite tricks is to infect them with our diseases that they have no immunity to. I will get to more of what I think that means to us humans at this point in our evolution later on.

So, back to my chart...

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The usual reaction I would get from astrologers when they looked at my chart was a quiet... hmmm! This turned out to be their discovering I had four major planets and my sun sign in the "12th" house of my chart. Without getting into too much detail about the 12th house here is a top level summary of its qualities.


Summary of 12th House Qualities

The twelfth house rules the subconscious mind, dreams, intuition, instinct, hypnosis, secrets, and everything hidden or that is part of the mysterious side of life, namely the behind-the-scenes or underground activity that you are not aware of or that you must keep confidential.

This house also suggests the finishing up of a long cycle. After the twelfth house you come again to the first house and begin a new cycle, so the twelfth house is a place of completion. A place to decide what you would like to bring into the new cycle.

The 12th House quality I always related to the most is... completion. In the multi-faceted journey of my life there were lots of chapters of work that I expressed creatively and love I expressed in relationships with others. As much as the creative chapters brought me a lot of pleasure. some notoriety and financial reward they never lasted forever. There were 10+ year bursts of music, inflatable learning environments, films, interactive entertainment, documentaries, but then I would move on to next chapter that I was curious about. I didn't make these transitions lightly. At the end of each chapter it was clear to me that it was ending and many times I no idea of what was next. I had many friends in the biz that developed careers in movies, music etc. and stayed with it all their professional lives. Sometimes I admired the seeming stability of their path, but I felt pushed to keep expanding my understanding of my life and what I could offer others through my creative work and relationships.

This culminated when I joined Ken Wilber at Integral Life in 2007. This turn into the "personal development" biz was unlike anything I had done before, although some of it involved media production. I had entered the world of Ken's work with some narrative questions about telling different kinds of stories to different audiences. I had felt for a while that the media projects I had been doing for 7 years in an attempt to improve conditions in the world were only getting to an audience that were already true believers.  "Preaching to the choir" is one way it is usually described.


What I got over ten years with Ken and the Integral community was an understanding and experience of the best map I could have imagined of this material world we inhabit and how it interfaced with larger Kosmic dimensions. As time goes on what we seem to know NOW about our existence will change or evolve to new understandings, but as I write this at 77 years of age, I feel I am at least aware of the basic elements that make up my meaning making narrative of why and how I am here.

While I ran Ken's media company I was deeply immersed in how Ken's version of Integral Theory could help me/us sort out our lives and creative work in the world. I was also really interested in the cadre of global thought leaders that were attracted to Ken's work. I had quite a seat at the intersection of all that. I can say it changed my life. Not because Integral Theory was the only answer to our cultural challenges, but because it influenced my perceptions of the different qualities of my life that included everything we sapiens  were aware of at any moment. I found that once the Integral map became embodied in my meaning making system I couldn't remember how I ever looked and experienced the world without it. Quite an unexpected gift. 


Favorite Decades

We say that all events in our lives have meaning, even the traumatic ones. All of it adds something to our expanding experience and intelligence. However, I think you can have favorites. Mine were the 1980's and 1990's. After 9-11 the world began descending into whatever we are becoming now. Most of 1980's and 1990's we did not have significant access to the Internet, although it began to come into my creative life while I was at Time Warner in 1995. We created a really interesting graphic chat Internet application called "The Palace." Quite an innovation at the time and the first Toy Story web game " The Lost Toy" at on very little bandwidth.

Now, after 30 years of engaging with the Internet and its associated technologies like cell phones I'm still not sure on balance it has been a positive thing for us sapiens. Certainly, I can't imagine not having access to the world's knowledge through my cell phone. But I wonder whether the long term impact of this level of "communication" is that we have reduced everything to sensational 280 character click bait while having more and more trouble making sense of it. Obviously, we can't put the genie back in the bottle but I find myself longing for the seemingly simplicity of the 1980's and 1990's where we didn't have instant access to everything. We had time to consider what we felt about something before the stream of reactions hit us and we expressed ourselves. Many times those first thoughts were better off NOT said.

Here's a recent example of what I am talking about. In the 1980's some guerilla media folks set up a "live" video portal between two global locations. They did not tell the people on the streets of both locations it was "live". Most assumed it was a prerecorded feed. Once the "live" aspect was revealed people had fun with it in collaboration with each other. There were other live video projects in that decade between North and South Korea that allowed families that had been separated for years to talk to each other. All in all, they were pre-Internet celebrations using media as the medium.


This month a new group established a similar "portal" that linked NYC with Dublin, Ireland. It was much more sophisticated than the ones from before, but in four days it was shut down because people were using it for lewd acts. There were some folks that didn't, but the social media news covered the folks looking for attention and the "story" collapsed in on itself. Now that we can create audio, video and text with AI applications that can mimic our real selves, how are we going to make sense of things when half of it is "fake." A question you will have to answer for yourselves. 

Having Influence Through Story Telling

As I have said I was lucky enough to make a living and an interesting life out of the media projects I could imagine. I always felt I was good at advocating for these concepts with funders through proposals, letters and emails I wrote. However, as we emerged from the Covid lock down I found a world where people rarely read anything you sent them. Most connections were done through text with all its limitations.

So this loss of influence I feel now is partly having to do with my age. At forty or fifty I always welcomed whatever wisdom those over 60 could impart, but I never hired them. This other facet however has to do with the changes in the way we communicate. We were forced to use Zoom through the lock down. It was better than nothing, but many times I felt on the bigger calls I could turn off my mic and do something else while partially paying attention to what people were saying.


So, its possible the lack of interest I am experiencing now in my ideas now was partially because of my age but we have also changed the way we communicate. That I am at a loss to navigate. One example: I almost got hired to train AI applications. They were seemingly attracted to me because of my wide experience in media, technology, culture and spirituality. However, when I attempted to take the training courses I felt like they were communicating in some foreign language. I kept trying to grok it, but the reasoning behind how you trained these AI programs was beyond my understanding. I suspect that teenagers and 20 and 30 somethings would take to it naturally, but it was a sign to me that the world I had known was passing into history.

Why Am I Still Here?

​Prior to Mother's decision to call it a day and move on to what was next, I had done a good deal of work on "death" practices from a number of spiritual traditions. Intellectually at least I had lost my fear of death. Besides at this age, after the run I had, I was not as attached to being here than I was in my prime.

As I have interviewed global thought leaders, many of them in their last days, there seem to be a number of reasons to continue a life at their age. And a number of reasons not to.

1. Health.

As I hit sixty, I started to have friends and colleagues die. It was not like it had never happened before. I had experienced the traumatic death of my friend Jim Shobring in high school, the death of my grandparents and living through both my mothers brothers dying early, and the death of my own father at 59. This time seemed different however. It wasn't just people I knew but individuals in the culture that had been lighthouses for me. The thought that life could end anytime from here on out as a natural occurrence was new. And I had no intention if my health headed south that I would wait around for it to get terminal. I had been with people who waited too long and suffered greatly (and the people around them) and those that had made the decision to move on before their physical body died. I was in the second camp intellectually, but if the time came the question was... would I have the courage to do it, given the pain it would cause in the network of family and friends I still had.


2. Financial Resources

People say money isn't everything but from both having it and not, I would say at least that having money gives you options that you don't have if you do not, particularly when you are in crisis. It certainly saw me through very expensive therapy when I had my breakdown in the mid-1990s.


My "fortunes" rose and fell many times in my life. Each of the chapters of creative work made me money for awhile but never the kind of stash that we called "fuck you money." The kind of lifetime wealth that some enjoyed. Every one of my music, film, interactive entertainment chapters could have provided that but in the end they did not. It would come in big and then those funds would have to fund the next transition. I had always been able to work myself back from low funds, even after our crash on Whidbey Island, but now I

found myself coming out of Covid with nothing. When my cancer came I had just left my company of 10+ years, so I had no "sick" leave available. My mothers money had gotten us through my 2019 cancer year when I was not working and the 3 years of Covid where I did not work remotely that much. If it had not been for my very generous brother and sister I would have not make it through 2024. And the big surprise of 2024 was that I did not seem employable... at any job including minimum wage big box stores.

At some point my social security was not going to cover my reduced expenses.  Even if I wanted to resist the growing darkness in the world, I had no money to do so. I couldn't even leave the country. So, where was this was going? On the street like my RV period? Not this time. IF I could not support myself what was the point in still being here.


3. Something to complete with family and friends

As I wrote earlier in this chapter the astrological pattern in my life was... completion. The complete navigation of all 12 houses. I had been more aware later in life of the completion work I had to do, but now it seemed there wasn't much more on that front. Its not that I was perfect, far from it, but I understood how to better manage my more negative energies. Unfortunately, it had not come soon enough to allow the continuation of my relationship with Servin and Claytie after all the good years. I had tried on numerous occasions to heal these rifts of the last five years, but got no pick up from the girls or Joyce for that matter. I felt it was better off left alone. The memories I choose to hang on to were the 95% of the good that we experienced as opposed to the 5% that wasn't.

My brother and sister and I also seemed in a decent place after all the years. We certainly had our tussles as we all worked through the depression/anxiety/trauma traits we all had in some way. I certainly felt loved and valued by them at this point with the good far outweighed the challenges. I certainly admired both of them for the lives they had created. 

4. Something left to share with the world.

In the beginning of my storytelling work I wanted to be noticed. I wanted people to admire my talent for telling stories. And the rewards for being successful in that were also welcome. As time went on, particularly as I turned towards my documentary work at the turn of the Millennium, I began to understand the bigger importance our stories played in our lives. How they shaped how we felt, what we saw and what we did. And that if we didn't like the story that was influencing us at that moment you could change it. I gladly accepted that something I did during that 24 year documentary period helped in some small way to make the world a better place. The Vital Signs work of the last 2 years was my attempt to raise the alarm about threats to our democracy. Even if in the end MAGA won the election.


However, now I was beginning to feel there were very few stories left that I was interested in exploring. Certainly in terms of my own personal development whoever I had become in this last chapter was what it was. I didn't seem to have the energy to keep digging into my interiors. In terms of the narrative that drove so much of my creative life.., the stories we were telling about the now and future... I was not feeling particularly hopeful that somehow humanity would make the needed transition from our current world of winners and losers to something that served everyone of the 8+ billion people on the planet.

​It felt like my life was becalmed waiting for a breeze to blow me towards something new.








Certainly, in terms of historical evidence, humanity usually needed for things to get very dark before the next point of light would emerge. If I was younger I would have certainly joined the resistance to bring that about, but our challenges seemed so deep and embedded in our nature that I was beginning to feel that homo sapiens had reached the limit of what they were capable of. Something profound needed to change. And I wasn't sure anymore if we could actually do that in our present form.

One theory of the case concerning the continuance of humans was the notion that we homo sapiens (sapiens for short) were becoming a transitional species to whatever was next in the evolution of intelligence. You could make the argument that Neanderthals transitioned to us and contributed 2% of our DNA. The current obvious candidate for this next thing was artificial intelligence in all its forms or some new being that was a combination of human/machine learning. A non-human intelligence without all the DNA baggage we suffer from as humans. We liked to think of ourselves as the most successful species on the planet yet we still spent more of our time and money trying to kill each other and  burning up the planet than anything else. If the other species took a vote, WE would be voted off the island.

So, if you were going to save the best of what it means to be sapiens what would that be? Would it be love as New Agers claimed? Hardly in my experience. We do love some in our species and some individuals do love and care for the planet, but we as a species are mostly destructive. We can articulate the qualities of our better angels like, empathy, creativity, intuition, passion, kind, peacefully, persuasive. responsible etc., but for the most part we don't act that way towards the majority of other humans and the other species on the planet.  In my reading of smarter people than me I agree with some that  "sapiens" best trait is... "determined to persevere against all odds". We survive against all challenges to continue our sapiens intelligence in the Kosmos for whatever that is worth. This time I am not sure this trait will save us. Just so I don't leave you completely in darkness here's an article that suggests we humans were successful because of something that is more than I am giving us credit for.

David at Tahoo sunset.jpg
Teh # at Angel Island Easter Sunday 2024.jpg

My connection with planet  -  last of the "threesome" pictures. Could not have asked for a better one amidst a great day digging into our family history.


Us Sapiens pride ourselves on our advancement of knowledge and significant accomplishments. No question humans do create. However, who does it benefit other than us? There is a scene in Galaxy Quest where the hero has to explain to their allies that the "historical documents" they have based their culture are just us humans making stuff up.


Obviously, we invent stories to explain the world around us but with the explosion of media and social platforms most of what is created these days to me is just a frivolous means of distraction. If you took a vote of the other species on the planet they would say that on balance we are a menace. In spite of all the love we make, the advances we create, the art that we imagine we still spend most of our money and creative time thinking up ways to kill each other. Are we on the cusp of our limitations?

Its also true that we do have shining moments like Stephan Curry going off with 4 3"s in the final  3 minutes of the 2024 Olympic final.

Curry Olymics.jpg

Here's a bunch of my other great moments in sports 49ers, Cal/Stanford, Giants, Warriors  

But who are they for? What do they benefit compared to... what if we took all the creativity we spend trying to kill each other and apply it to real advancements that would benefit all species on the planet?

5. Final days

Whenever my final days come, either by my own hand or natural or unnatural occurrences I plan to spend some time enjoying the considerable beauties of the natural world and the best of how we humans treat each other. No matter how it feels now

it isn't all dark. We humans can carve out lives that include love and the traits of our better angels in the midst of it all. After 50+ years I just seem to run out of interest in any of it.


I don't want to be remembered for a sad end no matter how it happens. My life has been extraordinary even if this challenging time now was unexpected in its severity. It's a good thing I did lots of my bucket list experiences as I went along because now I don't have the money to do them. I always felt... do it NOW you just never know. Its a good thing I did. Also there is a difference of feeling the fear of death from younger days compared to now. When it comes up... I realize no matter what I do or feel its not far off. And my fear of "missing" what I like about this world and all my family and friends is going to come soon anyway.

So I will say my goodbyes for now as I head off into the good night. Many blessings for the days ahead! Its been an extraordinary ride enriched immeasurably by all of you! Can't ask for more than that.

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